nutritional value starfruit


Discover the nutritional value of starfruit (carambola) in a convenient table format, featuring the % daily value. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating starfruit into your diet and find solutions to 10 commonly asked questions (FAQs). Explore the advantages and factors to keep in mind when adding starfruit to your meal plan.


Starfruit, or carambola, is a delicious tropical fruit that boasts a distinct shape and flavour. This article presents a comprehensive table outlining the nutritional value, including the percentage of daily value (% DV). In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages and provide answers to ten commonly asked questions (FAQs). Explore the nutritional advantages and important factors of adding this fruit to your diet.

Nutritional Value Approximately 100g

The values provided are approximate can vary depending on the size and ripeness.

NutrientAmount Per 100g% Daily Value*
Calories31 kcal2%
Carbohydrates6.7 g2%
Fiber2.8 g11%
Sugars3 g
Protein1 g2%
Fat0.3 g0%
Vitamin C34.4 mg38%
Vitamin A61 IU1%
Potassium133 mg3%
Calcium3 mg0%

*Percent Daily Values (% DV) are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

nutritional value starfruit


1. A Great Source of Vitamin C for Immune Function, Collagen Synthesis, and Antioxidant Protection.

2. A Low-Calorie Fruit for a Balanced Diet. With just 31 calories per 100g, starfruit is a great addition to any healthy eating plan.

3. It is a fiber-rich fruit that can help improve digestion, support weight management, and promote bowel regularity.

4. The high water content makes it an excellent source of hydration, promoting optimal bodily functions.


1. Starfruit’s oxalate content may pose a risk for those who have a history of kidney stones. If you are experiencing kidney-related problems, it is recommended to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

2. High Oxalic Acid Levels in this fruit can pose a risk to people with Kidney Disease. If you have concerns related to your kidneys, it is recommended to avoid consuming it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is starfruit beneficial for digestion improvement?
It is a great source of fibre that can help improve digestion and support regular bowel movements.

2. Is it safe to eat starfruit while pregnant?
It’s consumption during pregnancy is safe when consumed in moderation and after washing properly. It is recommended to seek personalised advice from a healthcare professional.

3. Is starfruit effective for weight loss?
It is a great option for individuals who are looking to lose weight due to its high fibre content and low calorie count. Maintaining balance and moderation is crucial for optimal results.

4. Is starfruit suitable for a diabetic diet?
It is a fruit that has natural sugars and should be consumed in moderation by people who have diabetes. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance and keep a regular check on your blood sugar levels.

5. Can starfruit trigger allergies?
Some people may have an allergy to it. In case of any negative effects post it’s consumption, it is recommended to seek medical assistance.

6. Is it safe to eat starfruit seeds?
It’s seeds are consumable, however, they may be hard and challenging to digest. It’s recommended to avoid the consumption or removal of them for optimal results.

7. Is there a possibility of starfruit interacting with specific medications?

It has the potential to interact with specific medications, especially those that are metabolised by the liver. If you are currently taking any medications, it is advisable to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

8. Is starfruit safe for kids?
It is a safe addition to a child’s diet, but it’s recommended to introduce it gradually and keep an eye out for any potential allergic reactions.

9. Is starfruit beneficial for skin health?
It is a great source of vitamin C which can help in maintaining healthy skin by promoting collagen production and safeguarding against oxidative stress.

10. Is it possible to juice starfruit?
It’s juice is a delicious and refreshing beverage option. It is important to consume in moderation while being aware of the oxalate content.

In a Nut Shell

Starfruit, also known as carambola, is a nutritious tropical fruit with numerous health benefits. This food item is a great addition to a balanced diet as it is high in fibre and vitamin C while being low in calories. Individuals who have kidney-related concerns or a past history of kidney stones should be careful while consuming the fruit because of its oxalate content. It is recommended to seek personalised advice from a healthcare professional regarding dietary changes and specific health concerns. Incorporate starfruit into your balanced and healthy diet in moderation and discover its distinctive taste and possible health advantages.

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