Image Usage Policy

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs and graphic images displayed on this website are the property of September Ten Enterprises, including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights. The relevant credits are listed beneath the images in other instances when they could have been taken from other sources.

You are only allowed to view and use the Site and its images for personal purposes, according to Diet Route. Except with the express permission of Diet Route, you agree not to: directly or indirectly download; modify; change; amend; vary; transform; revise; copy; publish; distribute; or otherwise disseminate any content on Diet Route’s website or any portion of it. You also agree not to delete or fail to display any promotional taglines included in the Site / Service either directly or indirectly. However, you may only print or download portions of these pages for private, non-commercial use. You are not allowed to keep any copies of these pages that have been saved to a disc or another storage medium unless you need them for repeated viewings or to print off specific pages for your own use.